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$27,250$250,074per year
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Ada is the AI automation platform that powers brand interactions between you and your customers. It is automation that delivers results.


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Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 120 purchases, with buyers saving 16% on average.
Median: $70,001
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About Ada

Ada Overview

Ada is the AI automation platform that powers brand interactions between you and your customers. It is automation that delivers results.

Ada's 1 Product

Ada logo

Ada is the AI automation platform that powers brand interactions between you and your customers. It is automation that delivers results.

Compare prices for similar companies

Median Contract Value$70,001$32,351
Avg Savings15.59%17.79%

Security and compliance

DPA available
SOC2 attestation
Annual penetration tests

Vendr community insights for Ada

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis month
"Great team to work with and incredibly responsive - the only ask they couldn't make was the renewal cap."
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis month
"Ada offered a free 3 month trial on the AI services in return for an early renewal."
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"We were able to secure a flat rate for our overages (same as our contract) instead of an increased rate. We shared the sentiment that we should not be punished for bringing their company more use and money, but rewarded"
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"The Ada sales rep noted they have had a price increase and doubled the per conversation rate. We were able to push for a flat conversation rate by committing to a 2 year renewal. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"We were able to secure a flat renewal and avoid a price increase by allowing the contract to auto renewal. The Ada rep flagged this large increase if the contract cancelled the auto renewal terms. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"Earned 50% Discount by leveraging competition with Intercom"
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"We were able to agree a 26% discount on list price of $196,250 for 300k conversations. We secured Quarterly payments, with net 60 on our 12 month renewal "
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"We were able to obtain a 20% discount off list price on a new purchase and reduced the implementation fee from $10k to $2,500. We were also able to remove auto-renew. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"In order to have a dedicated CSM the total contract value has to be a minimum of $75k. Ada was able to provide several options for renewal, including flat pricing for a multi-year as well. "

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