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$5,000$45,227per year
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Median buyer pays
per year
Based on data from 30 purchases, with buyers saving 25% on average.
Median: $16,777

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor Overview

Search millions of jobs and get the inside scoop on companies with employee reviews, personalized salary tools, and more. Hiring? Post a job for free.

Glassdoor's 1 Product

Glassdoor logo

Search millions of jobs and get the inside scoop on companies with employee reviews, personalized salary tools, and more. Hiring? Post a job for free.

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Built In
Median Contract Value$16,777$16,376
Avg Savings24.81%14.14%

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DPA available
SOC2 attestation
Annual penetration tests

Vendr community insights for Glassdoor

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
"Despite the inclusion of a new country in our renewal with Glassdoor, we were unable to secure any additional savings at renewal. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
"Glassdoor is proposing a 10% increase in pricing for our upcoming renewal for medium-sized Employer Branding Hub where there has been no change in scope. "
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis year
"Glassdoor originally proposed a 10% uplift for a flat renewal citing legacy pricing could not be maintained. We leveraged budget and the length of the partnership to secure a flat renewal on a 12 month agreement."
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
"We were able to receive a credit on the account for the upcoming renewal, due to poor account management alignment last year. "

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