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Lacework Pricing

Lacework's pricing model is primarily based on the size of your organization, making its cost structure adaptable to different scales of operation. For a company with a headcount of 200, the price generally ranges from $23,200 to $43,000. When scaling up to a headcount of 1,000, the price increases to a range of $46,800 to $79,000. For larger companies with a headcount exceeding 1,001, Lacework could cost from $68,500 to $142,500.

It is also important to note that negotiations can affect the final cost of Lacework. For instance, maintaining a firm budget position potentially eliminates the 5% uplift, bringing the annualized purchase value to a range of $70,000 to $80,000. Furthermore, keeping the scope of your needs consistent at renewal can help achieve a flat renewal, pulling the annualized purchase value to fall within the range of $100,000 to $150,000. However, please be advised that all figures mentioned are approximations to provide a general understanding of Lacework's pricing structure. For specific pricing related to your company's unique needs, it is recommended to reach out directly to Lacework.

Compare Lacework pricing vs. competitors

Avg Contract Value$118,086$253,495
Deals handled3153
Unique Purchasers2541
Avg Savings18.45%22.02%

Lacework Negotiation Insights

Inside the Vendr platform, you can uncover valuable discount levers and commercial items for Lacework and its competitors. Below, we share one of each to get you started in your negotiation process.

Discount Lever: Tiered Pricing

Lacework has a tiered pricing model with two major tiers: Enterprise and Pro. As a rule of thumb, the cost per user tends to decrease with higher tiers. As you negotiate your contract, consider the volume of users you'll have and aim to secure a discount by committing to one of the higher purchasing tiers.

Commercial Item: Competitive Leverage

One of Lacework's key competitors in the market is Loom. Competition within the market can often be utilized as a bargaining chip. If Loom can offer services or pricing that Lacework cannot match, this may be potential leverage in the negotiation process.

Access the entirety of Vendr’s negotiation insights for Lacework by signing up for a free forever Vendr account. With our platform, you'll gain solid strategies for negotiation, based on verified cues from the market. Please note that we have extensive negotiation insights for Lacewood and other relevant products. Make the most of Vendr’s data-driven insights to ensure you secure a cost-effective, value-adding contract.

Community Insights for Lacework

Gathering insights from our community can be incredibly valuable when considering Lacework for your SaaS security needs. Here's what some of our users have shared:

  1. "By holding firm on our budget requirements, we were able to get Lacework to remove their 5% uplift." - Community Insight was posted 3 months ago.
  2. "We achieved a completely flat renewal by keeping scope flat, and citing market conditions for pushback against proposed uplift." - Community Insight was posted 4 months ago.

If you're looking for more in-depth insights, we encourage you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. With a free account, you'll unlock additional insights such as the estimated time to implement Lacework, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Join our community today and access the full spectrum of insights available for Lacework!

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