Present your intention to evaluate alternatives due to the end-of-life announcement of CloudMQTT. This can apply pressure on 84codes AB to offer better terms or incentives to keep your business. Emphasize that while you may be pressed to renew this year, if no path forward is found, you'll need to explore rivals like CloudAMQP.
Request any necessary upgrades or migrations due to the upcoming end of life for CloudMQTT. Argue that similar and essential features provided by competitors like RabbitMQ must be included or offered at no extra cost since you are transitioning away from CloudMQTT.
If your company will disconnect from CloudMQTT or migrate soon, express that due to the shutdown, a renewal at rates similar to your initial contract should be considered. This will create urgency for 84codes AB to keep your contract under similar terms without added costs for new features.
Requesting the removal of auto-renewal clauses will give you leverage for future negotiations as the service approaches its end of life. Highlight that a typical best practice is to avoid auto-renewals until reinstating services with a preferred provider.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in case studies as a tactic to negotiate lower pricing. With the potential change to RabbitMQ or LavinMQ, this can show your value in a partnership and might encourage better offers.