Presenting competition as an alternative has been one of the effective tactics in negotiations. Highlight any quotes or offers you received from competitors and stress that further budget evaluations may lead you to explore these alternatives. This can empower you to leverage a better deal with AlphaTrust.
Anchor the conversation around the need to keep costs stable, especially if you experience an uplift in pricing. Argue that your budget planning did not account for rate increases and that your historical spend should be respected. This can pave the way for negotiating a more favorable price during renewal.
Emphasize the removal of auto-renewal clauses as a necessary requirement for proceeding with any agreements. This tactic can safeguard against unanticipated pricing increases in future terms and can strengthen your negotiation position with AlphaTrust.
Highlight your company’s growth and the potential increase in users or licenses as leverage to secure lower rates. Make it clear that increased utilization should correlate with cost reduction, fostering a more favorable pricing model as your partnership expands.
Propose to act as a reference or participate in a case study as a value-add, contingent upon achieving agreeable pricing terms. This tactic should be positioned as something you offer for better contract terms, highlighting that you can provide valuable marketing exposure for AlphaTrust.