Introduce competing offers to leverage pricing. Let AutogenAI know you are considering alternatives and how their pricing compares to what competitors are quoting. This tactic creates an urgency for them to match or beat competing offers for your business.
If you plan to increase the number of users, emphasize the need for economies of scale. Assert that as user volume grows, pricing should decrease per user to reflect this scale. This approach often leads to better pricing terms.
Request the removal of any proposed price uplift based on your budget constraints. Make the point that your financial planning does not accommodate an uplift and use recent purchasing history as leverage to argue for a flat renewal rate.
Negotiate to have auto-renewal clauses removed to retain leverage for future negotiations. Explain this is now a requirement for all vendors due to finance/legal concerns and should not be a deal-breaker.
Document and communicate any issues faced with AutogenAI’s product. Use these concerns as leverage to negotiate for better terms or discounts upon renewal. The goal is to highlight that product deficiencies warrant price concessions.