Removing auto-renewal from the contract can provide flexibility and control over future negotiations. Emphasize that finance teams now require non-auto renew clauses to ensure better oversight of SaaS contracts. This strategy often leads to better negotiation power for future terms.
Push back against the proposed uplift in pricing by stating that you weren’t expecting an increase. This tactic leverages your budget constraints and cites market standards, potentially leading to a reduction in the uplift or its complete removal.
Leverage quotes from competitors providing similar services at a better price. Present this information to the vendor, as it showcases a real consideration for switching, which can often compel them to lower their pricing or improve terms to secure your business.
Request that any new features or upgrades necessary for security be added at no additional cost. Concisely state that many competitors offer similar features without increased fees, thus creating the necessity for a more favorable deal to remain competitive.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study in exchange for better pricing. This can involve higher-level marketing commitments which can be attractive for the vendor and drive down costs as part of the negotiation.