Presenting competition as an alternative in your negotiations can significantly strengthen your position. Be sure to mention specific competitors and their pricing, as this establishes a benchmark for your discussions. Additionally, emphasize that any alternative offers are compelling enough that they could force a reassessment of your current provider if the terms do not improve.
When negotiating, if your usage of the service hasn't changed or decreased, leverage this point to push for a lower price. Emphasize your budget constraints to encourage flexibility on their end. It's also helpful to point out competitive offerings that fall into your expected price range.
If you are planing to expand your user base, highlight this growth potential as leverage for negotiating lower rates. It signals future spending and should be met with appreciation from the vendor. Make your point that a commitment to growing the number of users warrants more favorable pricing.
Negotiate to remove any auto-renewal clauses from your agreement. This enables you to reassess your options at the end of the contract and retains your negotiating leverage. Ensure to convey that it's a requirement from your finance team in order to proceed with a renewal.