Introduce competitive offers from similar service providers during negotiations. This tactic can greatly increase your leverage. Obtain quotes from competitors to present as alternatives to etailinsights, indicating that you are considering better pricing. Emphasize your preference for etailinsights but communicate your budget constraints and willingness to switch if necessary.
Address any potential overage fees during negotiations. Since overage fees can often be waived, leverage your current usage data and request that these fees be removed from the contract. Ensure you reference the initial agreement where applicable to support your request.
Negotiate to remove auto-renewal provisions from the contract, citing internal policy requirements. This is often a simple request but can significantly enhance your negotiation leverage for future terms as it gives you flexibility to assess the software as your business needs evolve.
Offer to engage in case studies or act as a reference if you can secure more favorable terms. Use this tactic to create a win-win situation where you ensure positive marketing from etailinsights in exchange for a discount or improved terms.
Document and communicate any product issues or concerns that have arisen during your use of the service. Present these as reasons for requesting discounts or more advantageous contract terms. This tactic is effective in reinforcing your position that pricing needs to reflect the service experience.