By presenting other available options, you might encourage Instructure to offer a better deal. Highlight that other suppliers offering similar solutions have provided lower prices or add-on services. Share concrete examples of competitors' offers as part of your negotiation strategy.
Negotiate to remove auto-renewal clauses from your contract. This provides you with more flexibility in future negotiations and ensures that you won't be locked into unfavorable terms without before having the chance to review pricing each cycle.
If there's an anticipated uplift, emphasize your constraints regarding budgeting. Stress to Instructure that you weren't expecting substantial increases given your current usage and track record, and request the uplift be removed.
Offer to serve as a reference or participate in a case study in exchange for better terms. This technique shows Instructure the value you can bring while securing a more favorable price or additional services.
Before finalizing your agreement, review your usage of Instructure's services to ensure you're not overpaying for unused features. If your usage has decreased or certain features have not been utilized, use that data to negotiate the terms or pricing.