Leverage competitive offers to negotiate better terms by presenting alternatives during discussions with Jungle Scout. Emphasize the differences in pricing and features that competitors might provide, positioning your negotiation strategy to extract concessions from Jungle Scout.
Push for a one-time promotional discount during your negotiation, especially if you highlight tight budget constraints. Make sure to get this recorded in the contract as not being labeled as limited-time or one-off so that it can influence future dealings.
If considering features that they propose to be necessary, communicate your need for better pricing or discounts by showing other suppliers provide similar security features at no additional cost, this can leverage potential adjustments in pricing terms.
Make mention of expected growth in user count as a bargaining chip for lower per-user fees. Use this anticipated growth to negotiate better pricing tiers as you bring in more users to the platform, offering the supplier a long-term partnership opportunity.
Emphasize strict budget constraints if they propose a large uplift in your contract. If you can illustrate decreased usage or a need to operate within a tight budget, leverage this to negotiate a more favorable rate without expanding the current scope.