Present competitors who offer similar functionalities at a lower cost. This tactic is highly effective in negotiations as it puts pressure on the vendor to match or beat competing offers. Make sure to articulate specific features and pricing of the alternatives to anchor your position.
By anchoring on a budget requirement that does not accommodate any uplift in costs, you can negotiate for the removal of the uplift and potentially lower overall costs. Present the uplift as a deviation from what is customary for your financial planning processes.
Emphasize the need to eliminate auto-renewal clauses to retain flexibility in future negotiations. This is often a non-negotiable requirement from finance departments, allowing you to assert your need for manual renewal rights.
Leverage current budget constraints to negotiate a flat renewal cost without increases. Ensure to provide specific examples of usage that justify the request for maintaining current pricing despite the potential for increased uplifts.
Offer your participation as a customer reference or in a case study as a form of collaboration in exchange for better pricing or terms. This can be framed as a mutually beneficial arrangement if they meet your pricing needs.