Introduce competition by letting Netography know you are considering other options that offer similar functionality at lower prices. Indicate the competitor quotes you received and emphasize that your finance team is urging for the best pricing to proceed. This can help leverage better pricing from Netography by creating a sense of urgency and need for them to match or beat those offers.
Address potential overage fees during negotiations, particularly if your usage has remained steady or if there have been periods where you have under-utilized the service. Insist on having clarity on these terms based on your prior agreement and communicate your expectation for waiving any overage fees to maintain a budget-friendly approach as usage evolves.
Limit any proposed uplift in pricing by indicating that your anticipated budget for the upcoming year does not reflect increases and that you expect stability in pricing. If uplift fees are mentioned, stress your point by highlighting your commitment to the continuous usage of their service and the need for competitive pricing adjustments reflecting your loyalty and budget constraints.
Request to have auto-renewal clauses removed from the contract. Articulate that your finance team has endorsed the requirement to avoid auto-renewals with new vendors. By emphasizing this point, chances are higher that they may consider removing this clause to ensure flexibility and that the negotiation can be revisited at the next renewal term.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study as a value-add contingent upon reaching mutually beneficial agreement points. This can resonate well with the vendor, and they may reciprocate with better pricing or terms, highlighting the marketing value in your loyalty and narrative.