Introduce competing offers as leverage to negotiate better pricing or terms. Let the provider know that you are evaluating other solutions, emphasizing the competitive pricing and additional value they offer. This tactic can create urgency and pressure on the vendor to match or beat competitor offerings.
Make a case against any proposed uplift by pointing out that over the term, your usage has remained stable or decreased, thus your costs should be stabilized or even reduced. Leverage your budget constraints to insist that pricing remain consistent or improve with continued usage.
Highlight the need to remove auto-renewal clauses in the contract due to finance/legal requirements. This gives you leverage as it ensures you have control and flexibility over future negotiations and reduces risks associated with automatic commitments.
In discussions about the renewal, bring up any potential overage fees. Emphasize how overage situations can often be negotiated down or completely waived, especially if they arise from unexpected or non-recurring usage spikes.
If faced with a significant rate increase, point out a decrease in usage or scope that justifies a lower renewal rate. Use this opportunity to negotiate hard by underscoring your company's budgetary constraints during the renewal.