Introduce competition as an alternative by mentioning that other vendors are quoting lower prices for similar functionality. This tactic helps create urgency for the vendor to meet your pricing expectations by highlighting financial constraints from your finance team. Use this when engaging with SightX to apply pressure for a better deal.
Emphasize the need for economies of scale related to your organization's growth. Present that as you expand your usage, you're looking for lower rates per unit. This approach could incentivize SightX to offer reduced pricing as your usage increases.
Address potential overage fees during the negotiation. Highlight that the structure leads to unpredictable costs and ask for these fees to be waived or negotiated, reinforcing the importance of handling budget predictability. You can leverage this tactic if you foresee growth in usage or plan to increase your contracts with SightX.
Stress the importance of not having auto-renewal clauses in your agreement, as this is a requirement from your finance/legal teams. This can enhance negotiation leverage when discussing contract terms with SightX.
Push for a one-time discount while emphasizing budget constraints for the current term. Make it clear that the budget only allows for the renewal amount aligned with previous contract terms unless an agreement is reached for a one-time discount.