Present competitive quotes you have received from other software providers to leverage negotiating power. By insisting that the pricing from competitor X is significantly lower, you can pressure Solibri into matching or beating their offer, emphasizing that you prefer Solibri but need to maintain budget constraints.
Ask Solibri to remove any proposed uplift on your renewal. Push back on the increase by highlighting your stable or increased usage and fairness in pricing. Frame this in the context of what other suppliers typically offer regarding pricing structure on renewals.
Emphasize to Solibri's sales team that your finance department mandates the removal of auto-renewal clauses to ensure flexibility in future decisions. Clarify that this condition must be met for any purchase agreement to move forward, keeping your negotiation leverage intact.
If your company's usage is projected to grow, emphasize this to Solibri as a basis for requesting discounted pricing based on economies of scale. Demand lower rates per user as your licensing needs expand and highlight your intention to reward the supplier for their continued partnership.
Offer to serve as a reference or contribute to marketing materials, contingent upon receiving favorable pricing from Solibri. This raises the stakes for them to provide you with a competitive offer in exchange for this mutually beneficial arrangement.