Introduce competition as a viable alternative during the negotiation. By bringing up that other vendors offer similar functionality at a lower price, you can apply pressure to ThreatWARRIOR to match or beat those offers. Highlighting that your finance team is considering alternatives may also add urgency to their response.
Emphasize to ThreatWARRIOR that multi-year contracts are rare for your organization and typically require significant discounts. This tactic can encourage them to offer better pricing for a longer commitment, which could result in savings overall.
Propose to ThreatWARRIOR that you can act as a reference or case study in exchange for better pricing. This adds value to them as a marketing opportunity while also potentially securing a more favorable contract for your organization.
Review your intended usage of ThreatWARRIOR's services to ensure that the contract reflects only what your organization needs. Encourage them to offer a fair contract based on the actual expected usage, which could lead to cost reductions if you’re not utilizing certain features.
If observable ROI is lacking, push for shorter term contracts (month-to-month or 6 months). This tactic can allow for evaluation of the solution without long-term commitment, potentially negotiating better terms as a result.