Present competing offers from other SaaS providers to leverage potential cost savings. This technique effectively pushes the current supplier to reevaluate their pricing, especially if the alternatives prove to be more appealing in terms of cost and offerings.
Seek to remove any auto-renewal clauses in the contract. This can give you greater control over future negotiations and avoid any automatic price increases without the opportunity for discussion.
Anchor your budget expectations by referencing that you did not plan for an uplift in pricing. If the current pricing is higher than expected, leverage your previous agreements or industry standards to negotiate for a flat rate or reduced uplift.
Negotiate for a discount on the proposed pricing, emphasizing that the current budget does not accommodate what has been quoted. Clarify that a one-time discount would allow for the purchase to fit within existing financial constraints.
If incorporating additional features related to security measures, leverage your current relationship and usage to request those features be added without a corresponding price increase. Highlight current industry trends where many providers do not charge extra for heightened security functionality.