How to Remove or Customize Slack's Formatting Toolbar

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Personalize your Slack experience by removing or customizing the formatting toolbar.

Vendr | How do you remove Slack formatting toolbar?
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Vendr Team
Published on
May 12, 2023
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If you find Slack's formatting toolbar to be a distraction or simply unnecessary, you're not alone. While the platform aims to be versatile, some users prefer a simpler chat experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through how to either hide the formatting toolbar or revert to old Markdown-style options.

Why Customize Slack's Formatting Toolbar?

  • Simplified User Interface: If you rarely use formatting options, hiding the toolbar can declutter your screen.
  • Preference for Markdown: Some users prefer text-based Markdown formatting over WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors.


How to Hide the Formatting Toolbar

  1. Go to Slack's Chat Box: Locate the chat box at the bottom of your Slack workspace.
  2. Hide the Toolbar: Click on the Aa button located at the lower right of Slack's chat box. This action hides the toolbar.

Note: Even after hiding the toolbar, you can still use keyboard shortcuts for formatting. You can also select text to see a hover toolbar with formatting options.

How to Revert to Markdown-Style Formatting

If you're looking to go back to the old Markdown-style formatting, you can adjust this in your settings or use browser extensions.

For Web Users



For Desktop Users

Disabling the new text editor in the desktop application is a bit more involved:

  1. Open Slack in Developer Mode:
  2. For Mac: Run export SLACK_DEVELOPER_MENU=true && open -a /Applications/ in Terminal.
  3. For Windows: Run the appropriate PowerShell command based on your installation.
  4. For Ubuntu: Edit the Slack launcher file.
  5. Inspect Element: Right-click in the Slack application and choose "Inspect Element".
  6. Open Console Tab: Navigate to the Console tab.
  7. Paste Code: Copy the contents of index.js from the GitHub source and paste it into the console.
  8. Repeat: You'll need to repeat this every time you reload Slack or switch to a new team for the first time.


Slack aims to accommodate various user needs, including those who prefer a minimalist chat experience. Whether you want to hide the toolbar or revert to Markdown-style formatting, you have several options to tailor Slack to your preferences.

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