Guide to Managing Multiple Email Accounts in Superhuman

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Manage multiple email accounts in Superhuman effortlessly. A comprehensive guide to unified inbox management.

Vendr | How do you manage multiple email accounts in Superhuman?
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Vendr Team
Published on
May 16, 2023
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or professionals juggling various roles or multiple businesses, having a unified inbox can be crucial. Although Superhuman does not offer an option to combine all your accounts into a single inbox, it does provide features that make managing multiple Gmail accounts easier.

Why Use Superhuman for Multiple Email Accounts?

  • Speed: Superhuman is known for its blazing-fast interface.
  • Productivity: Superhuman offers a range of shortcuts and features that can help you be more efficient with your email management.

How to Add Multiple Gmail Accounts in Superhuman

Adding Extra Email Accounts

  1. Open the Command Palette: Press CMD+K on Mac or Ctrl+K on PC.
  2. Type "Add Account": In the command palette, enter "Add account" and hit enter.
  3. Sign In: Follow the Gmail sign-in process to add your additional Gmail or G Suite account.

Switching Between Accounts

  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Use Ctrl+1 to switch to your first account, Ctrl+2 for the second account, and so on.
  • On Mobile: Tap the account profile picture to switch accounts.

Use Tabs for Multiple Accounts

  1. Open New Tab: Press CMD or Ctrl+T to open a new tab within Superhuman.
  2. Separate Accounts: Keep each Gmail account in its own separate tab.
  3. Auto-Restore Tabs: Superhuman will remember your tab setup every time you quit the app, so you don't have to set it up again.


  • Non-Gmail Accounts: Currently, Superhuman only supports Gmail and G Suite accounts. If you have other types of accounts like Office 365, you may need to set up Gmail to fetch those messages.


Though Superhuman does not offer a single inbox for multiple accounts, its quick account switching and tabbed interface make it relatively easy to manage multiple Gmail accounts. By using these features efficiently, you can streamline your email management process.

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