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Split Software

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Split Software Pricing

Split Software offers a wide range of pricing to cater to different users. The 'Developer' tier is free of charge, and it supports up to 10 seats. Those looking for a more extensive package can opt for the 'Team' tier which costs $33 per seat per month, suitable for 10 to 25 seats. For businesses requiring more seats, there is the 'Business' tier costing $60 per seat per month, supporting from 10 to 75 seats. If none of the aforementioned packages fit the user's requirements, there is the 'Enterprise' tier which offers custom pricing.

It is crucial to note that prices are per seat per month, hence allowing businesses to scale up or down based on their needs. The company also offers the possibility of achieving flat renewals or retaining discounted pricing, which could prove beneficial for budget-conscious businesses. These wide-ranging pricing options combined with the robust feature set make Split Software an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their feature delivery.

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Split Software Negotiation Insights

With Vendr, you can gain negotiation levers and insights into commercial items for Split Software, providing you with strategic advantage when it comes to securing contracts for this SaaS solution. Here is a brief glimpse of one of our key negotiation pointers and commercial items.

Discount Lever

One considerable discount lever for Split Software involves showing a multi-year commitment. Suppliers are generally willing to provide more attractive pricing for customers who can commit to a longer contract term, as it ensures revenue stability for them. If you are confident that Split Software is the right fit for your needs over an extended period, consider leveraging this commitment for more favorable pricing terms.

Commercial Item

When negotiating your Split Software contract, pay special attention to the Service Level Agreement (SLA). This is a key commercial item that clearly defines the expected level of service and holds the supplier accountable for maintaining these standards. In the event of service disruptions, the SLA stipulates the compensation you're entitled to, making it an essential component of any SaaS contract.

This preview comprises just a portion of the extensive negotiation insights available for Split Software within the Vendr platform. Get access to an extensive list of discount levers and commercial items by signing up for a free forever Vendr account. Leveraging these insights can provide you with the upper hand during your negotiation process, potentially saving significant amounts on your SaaS contracts.

Community Insights for Split Software

Gathering insights from our community can be incredibly valuable when considering a SaaS product like Split Software. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our community members:

  1. "We were able to secure discounts on a single year renewal citing firm budget needs and future growth in the partnership. This approach helped us navigate the negotiation process effectively." - Community Insight was posted recently.
  2. "Split Software honored a 50% discount on a descope for a 12-month renewal. We leveraged a case study and partnership along with budget constraints to achieve this outcome." - Community Insight was posted 0 months ago.

These insights are just the tip of the iceberg. By signing up for a free forever Vendr account, you can unlock a treasure trove of knowledge, including additional insights such as the estimated time to implement Split Software, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Currently, there are several community insights available for Split Software, and with a free account, you'll have access to all of them. Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower your procurement strategy with Vendr's extensive resources.

Split Software Overview

Split Software is a feature delivery platform that specializes in feature flags and data measurement. It primarily aids organizations in releasing and measuring the impact of features on key customer experience metrics. As an offering in the Continuous Deployment classification of Engineering, Split Software maintains a strong market presence and is recognized as a leader in its category.

This tool caters to a myriad of organization sizes with their client base averaging around 800. An interesting factor about Split Software is its solid retention rate standing at 86.96%. It also effectively streamlines feature deployment and measurement in a secure, GDPR-compliant environment to optimize your software engineering efforts.

Compliance and Security

In terms of legal compliance, Split Software aligns with the policies of GDPR, SOC2, and notably also adheres to ISO27001 regulations. Regarding personal data security, it upholds data privacy regulations associated with PII and DPA.

A crucial aspect of Split Software's security approach is the provision of secure access control with MFA & SSO capabilities. MFA, or multi-factor authentication, adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access by asking users to provide at least two types of evidence to prove their identity. SSO, or single sign-on, allows users to use a single set of credentials to access multiple applications — making the user experience more seamless while ensuring secure access management.

This Dual-pronged approach to security ensures Split Software maintains stringent security protocols and ensures the safe handling of user data, making it a reliable choice for organizations adhering to high compliance requirements and security standards.

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