Present competition to Airbyte as an alternative option to drive down pricing. Clearly outline any lower price or value-added features from competitors to create a sense of urgency and necessity for Airbyte to come down in pricing for you to proceed with the purchase.
Since you're considering upgrading the necessary features or adding to your contract, push for the removal of any expected uplift on pricing, especially given that you’re possibly increasing the volume of usage. Emphasize your budget constraints and reference the average uplift rates in the market to strengthen your case.
If your intended use of Airbyte will include scaling your operations significantly, emphasize the importance of economies of scale in your negotiation. Use your growth plans to argue for lower per-user or per-usage pricing as your volume increases.
If considering a descope in your usage as part of the contract renewal or adjustment, communicate firmly the budget constraints surrounding this and press for an adjusted quote based on reduced usage to combat any substantial rate increases.
Discuss any overage fees that may arise from your growing usage and articulate this concern during negotiations. Aim to get these fees waived as a compromise for renewing or committing to a longer-term deal with Airbyte.
Express to Airbyte that due to internal compliance or financial requirements, you cannot move forward with a contract that includes auto renewal terms. This could facilitate a better negotiation position for terms and pricing.