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Code Climate

Code Climate

Get automated code review for test coverage, complexity, duplication, security, style, and more. Start your free trial today.


How much does Code Climate cost?

Median contract value
per year
Based on data from 44 purchases, with buyers saving 24% on average.
Median: $43,100
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Code Climate
Median Contract Value$43,100$23,610
Avg Savings23.77%15.3%

Negotiating with Code Climate

Vendr community insights for Code Climate

What real buyers recommend in the negotiation process

Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
Some users have noted that while SonarQube offers detailed dashboards and comprehensive issue tracking, Code Climate's integration with GitLab makes it more CI-friendly. Additionally, Code Climate can be extended with SonarQube plugins, offering a blend of both tools' strengths
Company with 201-1000 employeesThis quarter
Usage Optimization: ESLint and Prettier Integration: Using ESLint and Prettier along with Code Climate can help maintain code quality across multiple team members Custom Configuration: Adjusting thresholds and configuring Code Climate to ignore certain files (like styles) can reduce noise and focus on meaningful issues Feedback Loop: Incorporate Code Climate checks into your PR process to provide continuous feedback and maintain high standards
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
Code Climate offered us a 25% discount to sign EOQ. They waived the discount after we were not able to get approvals completed in time.
Company with 201-1000 employeesA while ago
Code Climate was reducing our discount by 10%. We pushed back on this and maintained our 40% discount by signing a 24 month contract.

Security and compliance

DPA available
SOC2 attestation
Annual penetration tests

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