Choosing the right bookkeeper software for your business: Key considerations


Find the perfect bookkeeper software for your business by evaluating key factors such as scalability, ease of use, security features, cost, and integration capabilities.

Accountant working on bookkeeper software
Written by
Perin Adams
Published on
May 29, 2023
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Navigating the wide range of bookkeeper software available today can be overwhelming. From robust, full-featured systems to more basic software solutions, there are numerous options to consider when deciding what will best meet your business's needs.

There’s no one-size-fits-all bookkeeper software system for every type of company. To make the right choice, you’ll need to evaluate multiple options and choose based on the unique traits of your business.


What is bookkeeper software?

Before jumping into the considerations, it's important to understand what bookkeeper software is and how it works. Bookkeeper software, also referred to as accounting software, is a type of application that businesses use to manage financial transactions. This software can track income and expenses, create invoices, manage inventory, process payroll, and generate a variety of financial reports.

Some bookkeeper software focuses on a single aspect of financial management, such as invoicing, while others offer a suite of tools that handle all aspects of business accounting. The type of software that will best suit your business depends on a variety of factors, including the size of your business, the industry in which you operate, and your specific financial management needs.


Key considerations for choosing bookkeeper software

1. Evaluate your business's unique traits and needs

Understanding your business's unique needs and requirements is the first critical step towards choosing the right bookkeeper software. This involves a comprehensive evaluation of your financial operations, clearly identifying the specific tasks you need the software to handle. This could range from basic bookkeeping tasks, such as tracking income and expenses, issuing invoices, and managing accounts receivable and payable, to more complex functions like inventory management, payroll, tax preparation, and financial reporting.

Your business size and the volume of financial transactions also matter. A small business with a few employees might require a simpler, more straightforward solution, while a larger enterprise with hundreds of staff and multiple locations might need a more robust system with features like multi-user access, departmental accounting, and advanced reporting capabilities.

Also, take into account any industry-specific requirements. For example, if you're running a retail business, you might require a software solution with strong inventory management features that can track stock levels, manage purchase orders, and integrate with point-of-sale systems. If you're in a service-based business, features like time tracking, project-based billing, and client management might be more important.

2. Assess ease of use and user experience

A bookkeeper software's ease of use and overall user experience are crucial factors that can significantly impact its effectiveness. A system that's difficult to navigate or understand can lead to errors, inefficiencies, and frustration among your team.

Look for software that features a clean, intuitive interface with clearly labeled functions and easy-to-navigate menus. The software should make it straightforward to perform common tasks like entering transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports.

Additionally, consider the learning curve associated with the software. Can your team pick it up quickly, or will it require extensive training? Is there clear and comprehensive documentation available? How about tutorial videos and learning resources? These considerations can have a big impact on the successful adoption of the software.

3. Look at scalability

As your business grows, your financial management needs will also evolve. Therefore, it's important to choose a bookkeeper software that can scale with your business.

Scalability can mean different things in this context. It could refer to the ability to handle a larger volume of transactions, the addition of more users, or the inclusion of more advanced features. Consider whether the software you choose will be able to meet your needs not just now, but also a few years down the line.

4. Evaluate the software's security features

The importance of data security cannot be overstated, particularly when dealing with sensitive financial information. Therefore, your bookkeeper software must have robust security features to protect your data.

Look for features such as:

  • Data encryption, which ensures that your data is unreadable to unauthorized users
  • Two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security when logging in
  • Regular, secure data backups to protect your data in case of system failures or other problems.

Consider the software provider's privacy policy, and ensure that they comply with relevant data protection regulations. If your business operates in a regulated industry or deals with sensitive customer data, you might also need to consider specific compliance requirements.

5. Check out the bookkeeper software's customer support

Even with the most user-friendly software, you're likely to have questions or run into issues at some point. When this happens, having access to reliable customer support can make all the difference.

Consider the different support channels the software provider offers. This could include email, phone, live chat, or a knowledge base. Also, consider the availability of support—is it available 24/7, or only during specific hours? Finally, look at the provider's reputation for customer support. Do they respond quickly and helpfully, or are there numerous complaints about poor service?

6. Think about cost

While cost should not be the sole deciding factor, it is undoubtedly an important consideration. The right bookkeeper software should be cost-effective and provide a good return on investment.

When evaluating cost, look beyond just the initial purchase price or subscription fee. Consider also the total cost of ownership, which includes additional costs such as setup or installation fees, training costs, costs for additional users or features, and any ongoing maintenance or support fees.

Also, consider the potential savings and efficiency gains that the software can bring. A more expensive software solution might be worthwhile if it automates time-consuming tasks, reduces errors, improves financial visibility, or otherwise adds significant value to your business.

Bear in mind that the most expensive software isn't necessarily the best, and the cheapest isn't necessarily the worst. The best software for your business is the one that effectively meets your needs, is easy to use, integrates well with your other systems, provides good security and support, and offers value for money.

7. Don't forget about automation

Automation can greatly enhance the efficiency of your financial management processes. Look for bookkeeper software that offers automation features such as recurring invoices, automatic payment reminders, and automatic reconciliation of bank transactions.

Automation can not only save you time but also reduce the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. Consider which tasks you could automate, and make sure the software you choose supports this.

8. Consider integration options

One of the most critical aspects of bookkeeper software is its ability to integrate with other applications and systems your business already uses. This can include your CRM (customer relationship management) system, payroll software, inventory management system, payment gateways, and tax software, among others.

A bookkeeper software that easily integrates with your existing tech stack can greatly enhance your efficiency and productivity. It can automate data transfer between systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. It also ensures that all systems are updated with real-time data, which can enhance decision-making and financial management.

When evaluating integration capabilities, consider both the number and type of integrations the software offers. It's also important to assess how easy it is to set up these integrations. Some software solutions might require technical knowledge or the help of a developer, while others offer plug-and-play integrations that can be set up with a few clicks.

9. Evaluate the software's reporting capabilities

Reporting is a key feature of any bookkeeper software. Detailed and accurate reports can provide insights into your financial status and performance, informing strategic decisions.

Look for software that offers a range of customizable reports. This can include profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and tax reports. The ability to customize these reports allows you to focus on the data that matters most to your business.

Also, consider how easy it is to generate and interpret these reports. Some software offers dashboards and visualizations that make it easy to understand your data at a glance.

Lastly, consider if the software allows you to easily share and export these reports. This can be particularly useful if you need to share financial data with stakeholders or use it in other applications.

Making the final decision on bookkeeping software

Choosing the right bookkeeper software for your business is a significant decision, and what works best for one business might not work as well for another. With the right bookkeeper software, you can gain valuable insights and streamline your financial management processes.


Perin Adams
Perin Adams
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GTM Business Systems
Perin is the GTM Business Systems Analyst at Vendr, responsible for analyzing and optimizing the company's go-to-market systems and processes.

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