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Automatically sync all of your Workday users into Vendr
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About Workday

The Workday integration allows you to quickly provide your employees with access to Vendr. Automate user provisioning and de-provisioning, allowing you to quickly deploy Vendr across your organization in minutes. Route approvals based on employee attributes like manager enhancing workflow efficiency, making procurement tasks more manageable and effective.


Automated User Provisioning

Sync Workday users into Vendr in just a few clicks. With Workday, user always remain in-sync and are automatically added and or removed from Vendr when they are added or leave your organization.

Streamlined Approval Processes

Assign procurement approvals directly to an employee's manager, streamlining the approval process and ensuring tasks are routed to the appropriate stakeholders for efficient review.



Install requirements

Vendr admin role

Workday admin role



Install requirements

Vendr admin role

Workday admin role

Works with



“Vendr allows individuals to execute on software acquisitions so much faster and with such greater efficiency - it's just a win-win for anybody.”
Peter Day
Head of Privacy and Security, Mixpanel
Need even more?
Check out our premium add-ons.
Premium Intelligence
  • Unlimited access to Buyer Guides
  • Unlimited contract analysis
  • Unlimited pricing validation
  • Unlimited competitive quote support
  • Unlimited meetings with experts
Premium Procurement
  • Advanced integrations (SSO, ERP, CLM)
  • Spend reporting
  • Audit logs for SOC 2 compliance
  • White-glove onboarding & support
Premium Negotiation Support
  • Full-service renewal negotiation support
Explore our other features.