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ZoomInfo Pricing

ZoomInfo pricing varies depending on the specific product and the size of your organization. We've broken down pricing tiers for different ZoomInfo products below:

  • ZoomInfo Enrich Pricing
    • For companies with a headcount of 200, pricing ranges from $20,600 to $37,300
    • For companies with a headcount of 1,000, pricing ranges from $31,900 to $66,400
    • For companies with a headcount over 1,000, pricing ranges from $89,400 to $140,400
  • ZoomInfo Chat Pricing
    • For companies with a headcount of 200, pricing ranges from $15,600 to $31,400
    • For companies with a headcount of 1,000, pricing ranges from $23,100 to $48,900
    • For companies with a headcount over 1,000, pricing ranges from $41,700 to $88,000
  • SalesOS Pricing
    • For a companies with a headcount of 200, pricing ranges from $24,800 to $44,200
    • For companies with a headcount of 1,000, pricing ranges from $50,200 to $113,800
    • For companies with a headcount over 1,000, pricing ranges from $83,200 to $161,900

Compare ZoomInfo pricing vs. competitors

Avg Contract Value$31,052$56,000
Deals handled284181
Unique Purchasers192139
Avg Savings22.2%14.15%

ZoomInfo Negotiation Insights

In evaluating their SaaS options, users often look beyond the quoted price to negotiate for more value. In this regard, ZoomInfo stands out with various leverages and commercial terms that can be adjusted for a better deal.

Discount Levers

One of the common discount levers for ZoomInfo is the longer-term commitment. By committing to a multi-year subscription, users can typically negotiate for a significant reduction off the list price. This leverage is typically accorded to enterprises making substantial commitments in terms of user numbers and duration, but is not exclusively available to them.

Commercial Items

For the commercial aspect, users might consider the data enrichment feature. This is a premium feature that supplements the prospect data ZoomInfo provides with additional insights. Users can negotiate to have this feature added to their package for more comprehensive intelligence on potential leads, helping to maximize the ROI of their ZoomInfo subscription.

To uncover all 20+ discount levers and commercial aspects available for ZoomInfo, sign up for a free forever Vendr account. This would provide you with more information to empower your procurement negotiations for a more value-packed SaaS contract.

Community Insights for ZoomInfo

Gathering insights from our community can be incredibly valuable when considering ZoomInfo for your SaaS needs. Here are the two most recent insights shared by our users:

  1. "We were able to achieve an additional 6.41% discount upon renewal to help get the annual value closer to budget constraints. Insight was posted recently."
  2. "We were able to get the annual 10% uplift removed by committing to an early renewal (signed 45 days in advance). Insight was posted recently."

For a deeper dive into the wealth of knowledge our community has to offer, we encourage you to sign up for a free forever Vendr account. By joining, you'll unlock access to detailed insights, including the estimated time to implement ZoomInfo, what to expect for your renewal, and other discount levers that can be implemented if you're stuck during the negotiation process. Currently, there are numerous community insights available for ZoomInfo, each offering a unique perspective to help you make the most informed decisions.

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